Reply To: Calling cops on frum neighbor

Home Forums Family Matters Calling cops on frum neighbor Reply To: Calling cops on frum neighbor

🍫Syag Lchochma

Syag versus the Psak Halacha of the Rov of the shul both the OP and the neighbor with the raised voice (that the OP clearly stated in multiple comments that he’s unsure if anything untoward is occurring.)

You mean the anonymous no idea who he really is or if he is reliable rov of the neighbor who was causing some shrieking that was bad enough for the OP to to not feel comfortable letting it go without speaking to someone?

Now that that has been established, what exactly is versus what? I’m not up against a rov. I’m against your distortion of facts and narrative as well as Halacha, not sure exactly what the two sides of the pole are here.