Reply To: What would you say? – Hilchos Brochos

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I was approaching the issue from the first angle, and Meno & Yekke2 were approaching it from the second angle (as far as I can tell – they can feel free to correct me if I’m wrong).

I deliberately didn’t explain any angles of the shailah when I posted, I just said the story. I wanted to hear how others deal with it. Others were discussing the first angle, and I responded, although I am more than confident that it isn’t true. I am certain that the brocho achroina has nothing to do with the brocho rishonah.

As far as hesech hada’as or siluk is concernced, I posit that the pashtus is that when you have kavanah to continue eating, this doesn’t constitute a siluk. I find it a chiddush (but understandable) to say that a brocho is inherently a hesech hada’as.

For both of these reasons, I would happily eat without making a new brocho. The only sofek I have is in a case which needs greira (E.g. when you don’t have specific kavanah, you just make a brocho with a lot of food in front of you), whether you may continue eating.

(And I still don’t see any chiluk whether you have started eating or not – except for the greira issue. If the sevara is that once you are mesiach da’as from the choshuv you cannot be megarer eino choshuv, it could be that once you have begun eating the rice, you can be megarer onto that. Hmm.)