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I think another point to clarify is why when you make a Mezonos on a pastry do you not need to make a beracha on the rice.

If one has in front of him an apple and a grape (shivas haminim), and he makes a bracha on the apple (less choshuv), the Rem”a paskens that he must make a new bracha on the grape unless he had specific kavana that the brocho should be on the grape. The Beis Yosef explains that “eino choshuv” cannot patter the “choshuv” with “greira”.

When you make a bracha on a grape, the reason you may eat the apple is because of “greira”. This does not work the other way round; if you make the bracha on the less choshuv, you must have in mind. It is mashmah in the poskim that when you have specific kavanah, although greira doesn’t work, it is as though you made a bracha directly on this item.

If we accept that there are two methods of pattering an “eino choshuv” of the same bracha – through “greira” or through making the bracha directly, it could impact our shailah:

If it is a direct beracha, I don’t see any reason to make a new bracha. As far as I can understand, there is no hesech hada’as, nor is it a termination of the bracha.

If it is “greira”: The way I understood greira is that the bracha is chal on the achilah. Anything which is considered part of this achilah is נכלל in the bracha. Greira means that the eino choshuv is considered part of the achila of the choshuv. Accordingly, if you are mafsik the achilah of the choshuv (which Al Hamichya definitely constitutes), it is now too late to “drag” the achila of the eino choshuv. (I am not convinced this is greira, though. Greira could mean other things)

Does anyone hear that svara?