Reply To: If you can go to war at 18, you should be able to drink at 18

Home Forums Rants If you can go to war at 18, you should be able to drink at 18 Reply To: If you can go to war at 18, you should be able to drink at 18


yekke2: So would you have some sort of system to disqualify voters deemed incapable of making an informed decision? I didn’t vote in the European referendum because, despite having an A Level in politics, and having read extensively on the subject from all sides of the debate, I simply couldn’t make my mind up. I disliked the EU on principle, but I couldn’t decide which side had a more convincing argument on the economy. So I withheld my opinion. What confuses me is that I would consider the vast majority of those who voted less ‘qualified’ than I to come to a decision, so how where they all so certain? The fact that whether a question in a referendum is posed in a positive or negative manner can lead to a decisive vote swing provides further evidence that nobody really knows anything. Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. America ended up with a decision between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, for crying out loud!