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“The US has the best doctors, the best hospitals with the best doctors and medical equipment.”

Again what does that mean? What is the point of the “best doctors..” If we arent living longer.

IF I tried to market to you a new cure for colon cancer.” ITs the absolute best !” I insist
The first thing you would ask me, ok are patients living longer? ” oh well no,”
you might go on to ask ok less side effects? “Nope, just the opposite”

Is it cheaper?
“No, But it is the best! ”
You would rightly decline to stock that drug.

You say “The best doctors”
in what way best bedside manner?
In this regard we actually do pretty good (see the report I referenced) though still not the best
Of course if by “best doctor” you mean the most in dept this is correct though not usually considered a marker of “best doctor”

“The best hospitals?”
again in what way? Least preventable errors? no in that regard we among the worst