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Coalition Crisis Surrounds Breakdown in Tal Talks

Kadima officials early Wednesday evening, 21 Tammuz 5772 are convening to decide what the next step will be as talks broke down between Yochanan Plesner of Kadima and Vice Premier Moshe Ya’alon of Likud. The two were working on hammering out the final version of the new law that will replace the Tal Law and lead to the drafting of tens of thousands of chareidim, pulling avreichim out of batei medrashim to serve in the IDF or a state approved national service program.

MK Yoel Hasson of Kadima told Israel Radio that he was against Kadima joining the current administration under any circumstances and he feels the party must pull out of the coalition immediately, without conditions.

It appears the crux of the dispute surrounds the number of avreichim that will be permitted to learn each draft year, to receive a deferment from service. Plesner feels the maximum number can be 1,500 while Ya’alon is setting his sights on a figure in the area of 6,000.

Plesner is maintaining a hard line, seeking to pull most of the chareidim into the IDF and while Ya’alon supports chareidi service, he feels the change must be gradual and compelling tens of thousands to serve against their will may not prove the smartest move. The dispute also surrounds Plesner’s insistence on personal sanctions and criminal charges against chareidim who do not comply, which Likud finds objectionable.

In an official statement to the media Ya’alon expressed optimism, stating the differences between the sides can be worked out and he does not feel all hope has been lost. That said, he is determined to continue without Kadima if that is what it takes to pass a law that is going to introduce gradual change, a law that may not include personal sanctions, heavy fines or criminal charges.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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