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“If you’re bothered by my using the term “entire””

Im not.
I’m bothered when people say that they literally kept all the mitzvos.

“6 of the mitzvos on your list are ones we cannot do today either.”
So the Avos, didnt do them. We are down to 607 that they could have kept

“And according to chazal no one ever did the mitzva of Ben Soreh Umoreh,”

“The mitzva of maaser is attributed to Yitzchak Avinu”
Who did he give it to?

“Yehuda and sons did a type of yibum.”
A type of yibum isnt yibum

““Im Lavan garti, vtaryag mitzvos shamarti””

Its an expression. nobody in history literally kept taryag mitzvos as pointed out before (some mitzvos are only to kohanim some are only non-kohanim). all the more so without a beis hamikdash sanhedrin etc…

I started going through all the mitzvos, there arent many that they could have literally kept (nor us for that matter). Yet I still claim to be a “shomer torah umitzvos”

1- Pru urvu – IS machlokes if Avrham had a daughter. IF he didnt then he wasnt mikayem (as we pasken like Beis hillel).
2 Bris Milah – not for the first 99 years of Avrhom’s life
3- Gid Hanashe – ITs possible though passuk sounds like a new restriction
4 – Kiddush hochodesh – Needs beis din
etc etc