Reply To: Halachic army

Home Forums Bais Medrash Halachic army Reply To: Halachic army

Avi K

AY, the fact of the matter is that more and more Chareidim are joining the IDF and even becoming officers. This is the reason why the extremists are rioting and assaulting Chareidi soldiers. They realize that they are becoming irrelevant.


1. In fact, relying on miracles was one of BG’s sins. He famously said that a Jew must believe in them in order to be realistic. Thus, he declared the State and enacted the Law of Return against the advice of the Americans and British who said that the Arabs would overrun it in a few days and the advice of his advisors who said that Israel was too poor to take in all Jewish comers. However, the terutz is that sheluchei mitzva are not endangered and anyway, that applies to individuals not the klal. Moreover, one only has to take reasonable precautions, as did Smuel when he anointed David.

2. Who says that the world is black and white.