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“As “informed consumers” we should demand this. I wish there was a list of standards (website?) as OP suggests”

At first I agreed, though now Im not so sure.
There are amny machlokisism, and I think publicizing pesakim for people who dont know the detals of the issues involved can be confusing.

If you go throuh a sugya or if you have a specific question then I’m fairly certain the hashgacha would be upfront with you. If you dont know then a list of their kulas/chumras might be little more than “hock”

The reason Im not so sure, is that even the learned consumer “informed consumer” as you put it, might not know that say he assumes as a given that a pilot light doesnt satisfy bishul yisroel he assumes all agree and doesnt realize that the hashgacha decided differently.
Though maybe thats his mistake for assuming.

The point is, if you have a question the information is available by asking (if it isnt I agree it should be) IF you methadone a question, Im not sure the hashgacha has to volunteer all that information..

Again though if you like hock, put together a website listing all the hashgachas positions on various issues I will keep an eye out