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Eric Holder: Republicans Are Attacking Me As ‘Proxy’ For Obama

Attorney General Eric Holder is charging that he’s become a “proxy” for Republican attacks against President Barack Obama in an election year.

Holder tells The Washington Post that Republican congressional figures have used a failed gun-tracking operation known as Fast and Furious to attack a wide range of administration policies.

Holder also says he feels California Republican Congressman Darrell Issa, head of a House investigative panel, is singling him out for scrutiny.”

The GOP-run House voted last week to cite Holder for contempt of Congress in a fight over documents related to Fast and Furious. Holder says it’s naive to think that vote was merely about documents. Rather, he says, he is “a proxy for the president in an election year.”

(Source: Huffington Post)

4 Responses

  1. Pidyon Shvuyim is one of the most important Mitzvos.

    The suffering of our brothers Jonathan Pollard and Sholom Rubashkin in Federal prisons under unjust sentences, and the stubborn refusal of Obama and Holder to free them, make it imperative that we vote them out of office in November.

  2. No, they’re singling him out because he’s by far the most corrupt member of the administration. Gunwalker is just the latest in a series of scandals he’s been involved in, starting with the New Black Panther case. And let’s not forget his unsavoury history before joining the administration, such as his involvement in the Marc Rich case.

  3. “Like duh”

    Does he imagine that conservatives would love him if he was a professor somewhere and not involved in politics. He’s a political leader and unlike the other leading cabinet officers (e.g. Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta) he was chosen because of his close association with and loyalty to President Obama.

  4. This liar is a looser. He let the new black panther get away with voter intimidation and should have been impeach for him selecting going against whites and not black instead of all are equal before the law

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