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Former PM’s Daughter’s Home Robbed During Levaya

While Gilada Diamant, daughter of the late Prime Minister Yitzchak Shamir was attending her father’s levaya, burglars were breaking into her home.

Ms. Diamant spoke of her father as “belonging to a different generations of leaders”, those whose values and ideals were loftier than seen today in her eulogy.

When she returned home to her Tagur Street home in Ramat Aviv in Tel Aviv at about 22:00, tired and emotionally drained, she learned her home had been robbed.

The burglars made off with jewelry and valuables and fled. Police are investigating. Ms. Diamant holds a senior post in the Defense Ministry and is the only daughter to the late prime minister.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. That is really terrible.
    Burglars are aware of the doings of the people in the area especially a famous politican’s daughter. Security and alarms need to be implemented.

  2. Good one Git Meshige. I hope you’re proud of yourself – you are awesome at taking shots below the belt at a dead man. Do you have any insults for any other dead Jewish people?

    I’m just wondering – is anyone in the “frum world” aware that even when beis din kills someone, they make sure not to do anything to be mevazeh the body? They make sure to take care of the body in a kavodik manner. Our mesorah says that when a person passes away we recognize that they are now being judged up in Shmayim – the time for judgement on earth is over. The person’s neshama is together with Hashem – and it is a Jewish neshama, after all. So, even if you think poorly of the way Shamir conducted himself, you have nerve to speak this way.

    I’ll keep repeating this – please go (YOURSELF) and ask the gedolei hador if you are allowed to speak this way about Yitzchak Shamir – or any Jew. Let me know what they say. In the meantime, please stop passing judgement and making up halachos that absolve you of the responsibility not to say lashon hara or speak poorly about another person.

  3. Git Meshige is disgusting. your negative opinion of Shamir pusuls your vision that you can’t feel the pain of another Jew.

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