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More Than 2,000 Heat Records Matched Or Broken

More than 2,000 temperature records have been matched or broken in the past week as a brutal heat wave baked much of the United States, and June saw more than 3,200 records topped, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said Monday.

From June 25 to July 1, some 2,171 record temperatures were either broken or matched, the NOAA said. For the 30 days of June, that number rose to 3,215.

Accuweather meteorologist Alex Sosnowski said the number of records broken was very unusual. He said that while some aspects of the heat wave are unknown, much of it is because of a lack of snow cover during the late winter on America’s plains.

Instead of the sun’s heat melting snow, it instead heated the ground, which in turn warmed the air. The increase in temperature even made crops grow ahead of schedule until now; Sosnowski said the lack of rainfall has stunted crops’ growth.

Sosnowski added that while some areas are not unusually warm, namely New England and the Northwest, the center of the country will experience high temperatures for the next several weeks, possibly into August.


4 Responses

  1. Dear Commentators who comment when we have cold records in the winter questioning global warming: Please provide corresponding comments regarding these heat waves vis a vis global warming. (I’ll give you an out — neither reflects global warming or the lack thereof – so in the future …think)

  2. #1, there will always be some sort of record broken, somewhere. There are so many of them, after all, and you can pick whichever one you like, especially since we are talking about local records. There is no global heatwave at the moment; as the story says, New England and the Northwest are no warmer than usual for the time of year, and we’ve heard nothing of Europe.

    But one should expect unusual weather this year in North America, because Europe got our winter. Again, that is a purely local phenomenon, not a global one.

    The fact remains that global temperature is still significantly lower than it was during the Medieval Warm Period, so we should actually welcome any warming that might happen. But the fact is also that for the past 10 years or so global temperature has not been rising, and that there are significant signs that it may soon start to fall significantly. We should worry more about an ice age than about things getting too hot for survival.

  3. No, I didn’t. According to the “global warming” theory, snow in Europe should by now be a once-in-20-years rarity. Instead it’s a regular occurrence. According to the warmenists temperatures should be noticeably increasing, all over the world, and sea levels should be measurably rising. That’s not happening. Instead we constantly hear about this or that cherry-picked local record that has been broken, but only in one direction. That is the point.

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