Reply To: Should we stop bochurim from chilling and drinking beer at a bbqs.🍻🍖

Home Forums Shidduchim Should we stop bochurim from chilling and drinking beer at a bbqs.🍻🍖 Reply To: Should we stop bochurim from chilling and drinking beer at a bbqs.🍻🍖


Thefakemaven: I don’t think our chimichanga system needs revamping. I think that adults have to start thinking logically and not turn normal activities into the category of hefkeirus. There is nothing wrong with a bachurim having a beer every now and then.

As I stated previously, I would be a hypocrite if I did not let my daughters date someone who occasionally drank a beer. I too was a bachur at one time and I can recall my friends drinking a beer even though we weren’t 18 yet (when 18 was the legal age). Nobody then thought it was hefkeirus. I don’t think we should take that approach now.