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Things are different in every state.
I don’t know your age, but Mrs. CTL and I are in our 60s, but I’m just below Medicare age.
The total out of pocket for medical/hospital maximum increased to $1100 (per couple) on our plan this year. This also applies to drug co-pays. So, about Sept 10, we’ll have reached the max and Mrs. CTL’s drugs will have no co-pay for the rest of the year.

Our policy costs approx $1,000 per month, before ACA it was $1645 with the same carrier with lesser coverage. If we bought the same level plan from the same carrier on the open market it is now quoted at $2295 month.

I would love to see all us this replaced by a single payer plan good nationally.
I have many friends who no longer winter in Florida because their plans are no longer good out of network, they’ll go south again once they are on Medicare