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Ancient Shul Discovered in Galil Excavations

A monumental shul building dating to the Late Roman period (4th-5th centuries C.E.) has been discovered in archaeological excavations at Huqoq in the Galil.

The excavations are being conducted by Jodi Magness of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and David Amit and Shua Kisilevitz of the Israel Antiquities Authority, under the sponsorship of UNC, Brigham Young University in Utah, Trinity University in Texas, the University of Oklahoma and the University of Toronto in Canada. Students and staff from UNC and the consortium schools are participating in the dig.

Huqoq is an ancient Jewish village located approximately two to three miles west of Capernaum and Migdal (Magdala). This second season of excavations has revealed portions of a stunning mosaic floor decorating the interior of the synagogue building. The mosaic, which is made of tiny colored stone cubes of the highest quality, includes a scene depicting Shimshon placing torches between the tails of foxes (as related in the book of Shoftim 15).  In another part of the mosaic, two human (apparently female) faces flank a circular medallion with a Hebrew inscription that refers to rewards for those who perform good deeds.

“This discovery is significant because only a small number of ancient (Late Roman) shul buildings are decorated with mosaics showing biblical scenes, and only two others have scenes with Shimshon (one is at another site just a couple of miles from Huqoq),” said Magness, the Kenan Distinguished Professor in the Department of Religious Studies in UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences. “Our mosaics are also important because of their high artistic quality and the tiny size of the mosaic cubes. This, together with the monumental size of the stones used to construct the synagogue’s walls, suggest a high level of prosperity in this village, as the building clearly was very costly.”

Excavations are scheduled to continue in summer 2013.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. There is no actual evidence that this is a shul, and TYW should at least offer some opinion on the matter instead of presenting the claims of the archeologists as Torah LeMoshe MeSinai. Frum Yidden never put such pictures in shuls, there is no evidence of this anywhere or in any writing.
    Where is the evidence that the structure is a shul?!

  2. Notsonicejew, there are many confirmed shuls that have been found with such pictures. What is your evidence that frum Yidden never did so?

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