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Shooting Incident in Front of Manchester Yeshiva

Police are signaling that the shots fired in front of Manchester’s Yeshivas Shaare Torah were intended for the yeshiva and the venue was not a matter of coincidence. The yeshiva is located in the predominately Jewish area of Broughton Park.

According to one report a number of talmidim went outside to request that a driver stop honking the horn of his vehicle because it was disturbing their sleep. As they were speaking to the occupant of the vehicle another vehicle arrived on the scene and an occupant fired a few gunshots. This occurred close to 02:00 Sunday morning, 11 Tammuz 5772 according to witnesses. The number of shots fired is unclear as some witnesses report only one gunshot was heard.

Another report states two cars were driving erratically in front of the building and then a flash from a gunshot was seen and heard. It is unclear how many shots were fired. Police responded and closed the area down.

B’chasdei Hashem no one was injured or killed.

Chadrei Chareidim adds that about two weeks ago local police arrested a Muslim who planned to target a number of mosdos in Manchester including Shaare Torah. There does not appear to be a connection with that arrest however.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. The Arabs say they are fighting zionism but not Judaism. They lie. They would treat Christians like Jews if they were not afraid of them.

  2. It appears related to gang rivalry, with Yeshiva boys getting annoyed with the noise in front of their Yes hiva. and it is most probably unrelated to Arab terrorism, so why the panic?

  3. It happens to be a bunch of King David kids across the street in the flats that turned themselves in. So much for jumping to conclusions

  4. I take that back, it does appear to have been an incident related to terrorism. And the shots were aimed at the Yeshiva boys specificly, its just that the police at first appeared cautious and tried their best to play it down.

  5. Very bad news but to calm people down Confirmed 2 jewish boys have been arrested for the shooting this morning

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