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Home Forums Controversial Topics SHOCKING Letter Published In Lakewood Newspaper ⚡📰 Reply To: SHOCKING Letter Published In Lakewood Newspaper ⚡📰



1. “Are there no such schools?”
No there arent

“2. The very strong implication was that the suicide was because of this.”
Reread the letter. IT was “after 5 years of tremendous pain”

“3. She wrote that she changed some of the facts.”
Yes because they dont want her identified. If the real story is she was expelled becasue she showed up with a gun on the first day, I dont think that can be considered “changing the facts”
Its not like the real story is a Zoo didnt accept a new pet rat because it had rabies.

Just replace “zoo” with “school”, “Rat” with “a girl”and “because it has Rabies ” with “because they were stuck up reshaim” and you uhave the same story.
That isnt what “some of the specifics were eliminated or altered means”

4. Obviously the writer thinks that an acceptance was coming to her.

Please please please please reread the letter! I dont think we are talking about the same letter. The letter I read said she was accepted! The principal