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PHOTOS: Jerusalem Honors City’s Security And Life Saving Institutions


On Sunday evening 8 Tammuz, at the Jerusalem Theater in Katamon, the city of Jerusalem honored the various emergency services organizations that help save lives every day in the city. More than 800 people attended this special event representing the various branches of the police force, the IDF, the numerous hospitals in the city, the Fire and Rescue Services, ambulance organizations, Zaka, and United Hatzalah and others. Mayor Nir Barkat was on hand and commended the different organizations, staff and volunteers alike who put their lives on hold in order to save others.

With the always tense security situation in the city remaining in the background, awards were given to a few of the organizations who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to protect the citizens, Jews and Arabs alike, of Jerusalem. These organizations were recognized as innovators and leaders in the field of security and emergency services. Among those honored was United Hatzalah, for achieving a city-wide average EMS response time of 90 seconds. Other bodies to receive the award were Hadassah Hospital, Shaare Zedek Hospital, Fire and Rescue Services and Zaka.

Director of the weekly newspaper Kol Ha’ir Elad Lifshitz opened the ceremonies by saying “This evening is being held in honor of all of the servicemen and woman, and the organizations that they work for, who help bring security to the city and help safeguard the lives of those who live and visit here.”

Mayor Nir Barkat added that he is proud of the people of Jerusalem who, when danger strikes, run towards the danger in order to help those in need, rather than running away from it. Minister for Jerusalem Affairs, Ze’ev Elkin was also present and addressed the crowd.

CEO of United Hatzalah Moshe Teitelbaum accepted the award on behalf of United Hatzalah. “I wish to thank those who organized this evening. It is incredibly important to recognize the hard work of all the men and women who go out of their way to save others in every organization and every capacity in which they do this. United Hatzalah has been a proud part of the EMS services of the city, and of the State of Israel for the past 11 years. We will continue to provide the fastest possible EMS and pre-ambulatory response for the people in this city, by enlisting the help of those in the city who have the desire to train and volunteer to help others. In a city with a wide range of populations such as Jerusalem, it is the duty of all us to provide help to whoever needs it, whenever and wherever they need it, regardless of race or religion. We are an organization of volunteers made up of citizens from every community in Jerusalem and Israel, and we serve the people of every community in Jerusalem and Israel.”


CEO of United Hatzalah Moshe Teitelbaum speaks at the event

CEO of United Hatzalah Moshe Teitelbaum receives the award from the city on the organization’s behalf of United Hatzalah

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: United Hatzalah)

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