Reply To: The Chillul HaShem in Lakewood

Home Forums Controversial Topics The Chillul HaShem in Lakewood Reply To: The Chillul HaShem in Lakewood


Avi k: I know I owe you a reply, but you failed to address mine about the Kushners taking a chartered bus to a political wedding. The (non Jewish) media couldn’t really care less about their kashrus or Shabbos observance (let alone tznius) to malign them. Hence when time after time photos and articles depict violations of such, it shows a pattern which can no longer be considered mere conjecture.

We must protest these fully, as they are done publicly by so-called observant Jews and are the true definition of chillul Hashem.

Stealing from the government must also be condemned, however when we are not privy to the facts and these are mere allegations by agencies that may or may not have their own agenda to advance (a very typical one which they keep on stating albeit indirectly, is to scare others into following the law to a “t” because of perceived laxity) hence they may need some people arrested to show they are serious about enforcement. I won’t use the anti-Semitism card, but there are definitely those against the expansion of Jewish Lakewood that may have instigated these investigations. (There are usually anonymous tip lines where one can report such allegations.)

In this case we need to wait for more facts to be established and not bash anyone personally, however educating the public about legality can and should be done. As I mentioned it’s already being done, I’m not sure if in all communities, and there’s always room for more education and chizzuk as needed. Exaggerating the scope of the issue is definitely a chillul Hashem as well, especially since none of us know the truth about enough people’s true situation to judge a community. We can leave that for the haters, they know the Halacha of eisav…