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“Zipzap23: Do I leave? Rebbe Zoomzoom sent me as a shliach to buzz around this n sweet lady because she clearly needed the company, but now she’s trying to kill me!

I want out but my Rebbe tells me to stay and she’ll calm down, but now she’s at some virtual coffee shop demanding someone make the proper tune for her to send me to Olam Haba. But I’m not ready to die! This was never a suicide mission!!!

HELP!!! How do I get her to see that I’m really on her side? Is she so oblivious to my Sh’ma that she doesn’t hear it? Can’t she I’m davening for her?

To think, before coming here I was buzzing all over the world. People paid me to travel near and far for chizzuk and brachot! I cannot let all Hashem’s people down by getting myself killed.

All she needs is a cup and piece a paper if she wants me gone anyway. I’ll go to my next assignment. My Rebbe will understand. Just please lady chill and have emuna. No one was sent to you to be murdered.

If you all don’t hear from me again, sending you all blessings for the best. And I pray Hashem has rachmanos on her when she’ll be doing teshuva. Thanks.”

(Taken from the Puddle Room, a forum for frum flies)