For anyone who can give health advice to a younger generation…

Home Forums Health & Fitness For anyone who can give health advice to a younger generation…

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    Please share your observations of your peers, how much of health is determined by nature versus nurture?

    I’ve been discussing this with a relative who explained that much of a person’s risks for cancer is affected by genetics. It’s evident in family history.

    At the same time, I have friends who told me about how their friend had a heart attack (may he have a complete rrfuah) because he spent the past decades smoking, drinking, not exercising, and not earing healthy.

    Obviously it’s both. Still — then I have a friend who used to work in a lab dissecting cancer tissue, and who is now in medical school — telling me how cellulite is genetic and so are stretch marks in pregnancy. According to her, all those creams and tips won’t make a difference for someone predisposed to cellulite. Great, right!

    Anyway… but really when it comes to life and death… have you seen the affects of a healthy vs unhealthy lifestyle on your peers, friends, and family? And how about seeing the affects of genetics on someone who you’d think would have more or less health issues?

    By the way… wishing everyone the best of health always!!!

    Thank you ☺


    This one is easy!

    “but really when it comes to life and death… have you seen the affects of a healthy vs unhealthy lifestyle on your peers, friends, and family?”


    ” And how about seeing the affects of genetics on someone who you’d think would have more or less health issues?”

    Yes to both.

    You said it best “Obviously it’s both”

    ” wishing everyone the best of health always!!!”





    This is not exactly expert advice, as I’m not a medical professional myself. However, I do have several family members in the medical field, so your question is something we’ve discussed many times in the past.
    The question of genetics vs. environment (in this case, lifestyle choices such as diet) is definitely a subject of debate. However, like you said, studies have shown that diet and activity levels ABSOLUTELY DO have an effect on health outcomes, as a general rule.
    Keep in mind, as well, that in addition to preventing serious illness and early death R”L, living a healthy lifestyle also improves your everyday life, as you are less likely to develop chronic, long-term health issues that are also uncomfortable and inconvenient.
    Another thing I would like to share is an anecdote about a relative of mine, who lived an extremely healthy lifestyle, never smoked a cigarette in his life, yet was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer, which ultimately killed him. You might say, what was the point of all his exercise and self-control if he died from lung cancer, of all things? I will tell you that he lived much longer and was able to fight much harder than the average person who is given that diagnosis. Since he was so fit at the time of his diagnosis, he was, with Hashem’s help, able to live for another two years (the doctors gave him two months!), marry off another daughter, and witness the birth of two more grandchildren.
    There are many things in life we cannot control, and whether or not we will be healthy is one of them. However, we are still obligated to do our hishtadlus and guard our health – it is a mitzvah! – and daven that Hashem do the rest.


    I had a roommate in Yeshiva who smoked. He stopped smoking for a few months and during those few months his behavior turned around, he was much nicer to be around and much calmer. That doesn’t prove that physical problems are nurture but emotional issues it sure does.


    Comedian Alan King used to say: Breathing air may cause cancer. Are you going to stop breathing?

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