Reply To: Peanut Ban in Schools 🚫🥜🏫💉

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Peanut Ban in Schools 🚫🥜🏫💉 Reply To: Peanut Ban in Schools 🚫🥜🏫💉

🍫Syag Lchochma

Syag, it would help if you could explain your reasoning.

I thought about that, but I had already gotten enough push back about the idea that there even *could* be a reason so why risk it. When I said some people have a legitimate reason the response was that they are entitled, they have undisciplined kids or possibly bad parenting skills, or they are making a big deal out of nothing because of course it can only be nothing. To put it out there and get those types of responses would be a bit too harsh for me. It is a painful topic and not one people are real open to being empathetic towards.