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While I can’t help with your question, I would like to share the following. The passuk in Bereishis Perek Lamed Hay Passuk Ches states: וַתָּמָת דְּבֹרָה מֵינֶקֶת רִבְקָה וַתִּקָּבֵר מִתַּחַת לְבֵית אֵל תַּחַת הָאַלּוֹן וַיִּקְרָא שְׁמוֹ אַלּוֹן בָּכוּת:
Why is this mentioned? I heard from Rabbi Benjamin Yudin that this passuk is telling us that Yaakov took care to bury Devora as he had tremendous Hakoras Hatov for all that Devora did for his mother all the years.

it is also written in the biography of R’ Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg that he walked to the cemetery during the levaya of his father-in-law R’ Yaakov Yosef Herman on Shiva Assur B’Tamuz in a scorching hot day. He remarked that this was his way of showing Hakoras Hatov for all that his father-in-law did for him.