Reply To: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night?

Home Forums Local New York City What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? Reply To: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night?


2scents -“Being cold is not a criteria for not doing CPR, I cannot post links but you can do a quick google, especially not under the New York State BLS protocols under which EN operate.
The other signs of certain death, take time to set in.”

You are technically correct, but I’m assuming that poster is Not a medical professional!

These are the protocols from NYC EMS:
When are the circumstances that you don’t have to resuscitate:
“Extreme dependent lividity;
Rigor mortis;
Tissue decomposition;
Obvious mortal injury; or
A valid Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order and/or MOLST is present.”

He should have wrote this – Maybe EN came and found Rigor mortis;
Tissue decomposition; Obvious mortal injury; or
A valid Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order and/or MOLST and realized there wasn’t much to do. Maybe Hatzalah still performed CPR, while EN thought there was no point!