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Person Stabbed In Meah Shearim On Friday Night

A 20-year-old man was found stabbed in the Meah Shearim neighborhood on Friday night. According to Hatzolah Israel, a neighbor found him stabbed in the street and called for help. Hatzolah Israel and MDA arrived, and he was transported to Shaarei Tzedek Hospital – where he was being treated for non-life threatening injuries.

Police who were dispatched, parked their cars outside the neighborhood and walked in – to avoid antagonizing the residents with Chillul Shabbos.

According to sources, the incident appears to have been a fight between two people, and he was stabbed by another person.

7 Responses

  1. For pikuach nefesh there is no reason to part cars outside of the area, i hope that hatzolah and MDA drove right up to the injured victim. Was it a challah knife?

  2. many times the police do come in for no good reason other than to antagonize the local residents. of course those aware of the situation would have no problem with them coming in cars. however a resident who is unaware of the specific incident would have good reason to believe that there was not necesarily any emergency. thus they may have reacted short too many times in the past the police came in on shabbos when there was no emergency

  3. #4 “many times”??? I am living here for several yrs and nver once saw them drive in on shabbos just to antagonize the residents

  4. If the Israeli police would adopt the common practice of only showing their blue light at times of emergency, like every else all over the world, such misunderstandings would be avoided. They however show it all the time.

  5. This is the first time I have heard the police actually being considerate of chariedi feelings. If we would respond more kindly to them, and not see them as the enemy I am sure we would see more such incidents!

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