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Liberal Israel Caught Between a Rock & Hard Place

While relief organizations accuse Interior Minister (Shas) Eli Yishai of inciting to racism for his calls to lock up and get rid of illegal aliens from Africa, MK (Kadima) Avi Dichter told Israel Radio “We must begin getting tough and preventing them from entering the country”.

Dichter added “The IDF has become an absorption center for the illegals, with soldiers meeting them at the border and taking them into custody”.

Dichter, Police Chief Yochanan Danino and many others are expressing growing concern over the problem which is getting worse literally by the day. Dichter explains the Foreign Ministry has been trying, but to date has been unsuccessful in finding a country to accept them, including Eritrea for example, the home of many of the problematic illegals.

Security officials’ report that literally thousands of illegals from African countries cross into Israel monthly and anyone simply needs to visit southern Tel Aviv, which has become a favored location for the illegals and one can get an idea of just how many illegals there are.

Interestingly, while some of the liberals are critical of Yishai and the government for “neglecting” the illegals and their families, nothing is heard regarding the illegals that are shot dead at the border by Egyptian security forces, which have a somewhat different policy than Israel.

The left-wing state-run Israel Radio dedicates considerable broadcast time to the plight of the unfortunate illegal aliens, questioning how the Jewish People, that knows persecution first hand, can permit the government to treat these people so harshly.

Dichter feels that any of the illegals involved in criminal activity must be dealt with harshly, as strictly as permitted under the law and there cannot be exceptions. He concluded additional police must he hired and the issue of the illegals must be given the priority status it demands.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Enforcing the law is not racist. Permitting lawlessness is anarchy. The Sudanese are not running away from danger and should be sent back where they came from. Israel has enough trouble with their diverse population and does not need any more.

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