funny ideas for camp activities ⛺😂

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    hello fellow characters that roam the coffee room in search of nothing but always finding something that’ll make you realize just that… like finding something interesting only bec its not and ur laughing at the guy who wrote it, basically wut im saying is there’s a lot of weird conversations and funny stuff going down. so I would like all of u interesting personalities to tell me good ideas for activities for a boys camp grades 8 9 and 10th. they should b random funny even borderline stupid, quirky and original if possible..

    tnx and lets see if we could get 3,000 likes to this post , um if that’s a thing


    A game called muskrats and cannons. Start with a circle of chairs, one per boy. There is one person designated as the spinner. The spinner stands in the middle and spins. Each boy starts the game as a cannon. If he falls from the chair, he becomes a muskrat.
    The group is divided into two teams. Each team has the goal of being the last cannon standing. When the spinner (neutral person, such as a counselor) points at a chair, that chair gets taken away. The cannons must try to stay on the chair. There is a rule against pushing. Once fallen, a muskrat can crawl around on the floor and help the cannons on his team remain standing. This goes on until there is only one chair left. If two boys from opposite teams are on that chair, it is a tie and they have a footrace as tie breaker.


    Charades, but the person doing the charades is blindfolded and everyone else has to guess while standing on one leg.


    “Chulent Shlug”: You dump all the leftover chulent into a plastic shopping bag (it’s best when cold), and a guy sits in a chair, and another guy whacks him over the head with the bag of chulent. If the bag doesn’t split open, you win. If the bag splits open, and you get cold chulent all over your face, you lose.

    “Borsa-meano”: Everyone lines up their black hats on the floor upside down in a straight line.You then find a big, muddy rock, stand about 20 feet away from the hats, and while blindfolded, you throw the rock at the hats. If your hat becomes a bent, muddy rag, you lose. If your hat is the last one still standing, you win.

    “Dreidel Kneidel”: While preparing kneidels for the friday night soup, the camp cook puts a dreidel inside one of the kneidels. Whoever ends up with the dreidel kneidel must sing Ma’oz Tzur backwards, solo. If he messes up, the whole camp could pelt him with their kneidels.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    You guys are nuts!!!

    But I actually like your last two ideas misteryudi. (although I can see some potential problems with the last one).


    The spinner is also the ref.

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