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Liberty Man Pleads Guilty To Possessing Stolen Sefer Torah

A Liberty man faces three to six years in state prison when sentenced in August on his guilty plea to possession of a stolen Torah from the Landfield Avenue Shul in Monticello.

District Attorney James Farrell said Colvill had a history with the synagogue.Christopher Colvill, 41, pled guilty in Sullivan County Court on Tuesday to felony criminal possession of stolen property.

“He had been a previous employee at the synagogue and the investigation led to him and on January 24th the Monticello Police in conjunction with the State Police found him in possession of the Torah and he admitted that knowingly possessed that stolen scroll in court,” he said.

The investigation into the burglary continues as authorities look for other suspects who may have broken into the building on that January day.

(Source: MidHudsonNews)

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