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Maklev: Electronic ID Card Will Result in Chilul Shabbos

The Knesset Law Committee has approved a number of regulations pertaining to the national identification card, recognizable today as the outdated laminated photo ID, or “teudat zehut”. In accordance with the new regulations, an identity card will expire after a decade. Each renewal will be good for an additional ten years.

In addition, the white “sefach”, the separate piece of paper containing marital status, children’s names and birthdates and other information will be eliminated, replaced by including the data in the ID card itself.

The green light was also given to launch the biometric digital identification card program, which will only be accessible via the personal password given to each person when s/he receives the new card. The test program will operate for two years.

Maklev opposes the ten-year expiration of the identity card, calling it “an unnecessary bother”. He also feels the Ministry of the Interior should operate mobile units to deliver cards to the elderly and infirmed. Regarding the biometric cards, Maklev is an ardent opponent of the planned operating of a Ministry of the Interior data information center, 24/7, decrying the planned chilul Shabbos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. That’s a silly complaint. How can you have a police state that isn’t oppressing 24/7? It’s like have a “Big Brother” who winks or takes naps.

  2. police departments operate 24/7 anyhow. with computers there is probably less chilul Shabbos and leave it to the people at Tzomet to figure out a “tikun.”

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