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Preparations Underway for Shmuel HaNavi’s Yahrzeit

Motzei Shabbos, the eve of 28 Iyar 5772 marks the yahrzeit of Shmuel HaNavi and preparations at the tziyun are underway.

Rabbi Yosef Shvinger announced that in an effort to prevent any chilul Shabbos surrounding the yahrzeit, the tziyun will not open before 22:00. The rabbi urges the tzibur not to arrive any earlier, since the tziyun will be locked. He explains that it would be a catastrophe that people wishing to visit the tziyun of the tzaddik cause chilul Shabbos by police and other agencies by arriving too early and compelling them to operate on Shabbos.

The fire by the Ungvar Rebbe will be on Sunday, not motzei Shabbos, once again towards preventing chilul Shabbos.

Police and the rabbi report they expect 60,000 people to visit the kever on motzei Shabbos, Sunday and Monday. As was the case in previous years, private vehicles will not be permitted near the site and a parking facility will be provided. Minibuses will shuttle mispallalim to and from the tziyun. There will be no vehicular access to the kever from Route 443, the Jerusalem – Modi’in Highway.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. There is a minority opinion that Shmuel haNovi’s Johrzeit is Iyyor 29th, but majority opinion, that it is Iyor 28th, which is the date this Motzei Shabbos.

    No-doubt Shmuel haNovi was a big Zechus in recapturing of the Kossel in the 6 Day War, on his Johrzeit.

  2. And the Bartenura’s letter says “chof ches”, which is how some people misread it as “yud ches” and thought he was referring to Lag Bo’omer.

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