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According to the PA, Everything is Occupied

Today, Tuesday, May 15, 2012 was observed as Nakba Day in PA (Palestinian Authority) autonomous areas and by Israeli Arab citizens.

A major event, one that resembled a 4th of July family attraction in the USA was held in the Megiddo Junction area, attended by thousands of Israeli Arabs who wished to identify with the voice that accuses Israel of occupying Arab lands. Adults and children alike took part along with a number of Arab politicians. MK Dr. Ahmed Tibi spoke to the media and expressed his pride with identifying “with this side”.

“The day will come when the other side will become ashamed of the occupations, walls and tanks”, he added, expressing certainty that it is only a matter of time until the independent nation of Palestine is recognized.

In Ramallah the scene was the same, albeit with far less participants than in previous years. When locals spoke with the Israeli press they explained “We don’t want compensation. We intend to return to our homes and villages. It is all occupied and this will come to an end”.

These words were echoed by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), who stated that today occupation is without a doubt a time limited reality and Palestine will be created.

A Palestinian Media Watch video gives and example of PA television programming for small children, indoctrinating them at a young age regarding the “occupied Galil”.

Another PMW video addresses the PA’s view on Haifa, Lod, Ramle, Jaffe and Akko, also “Israeli occupied”.

In Jerusalem, the smoke screen called the “Oslo process” continues to move forward, endangering the very existence and future of the State of Israel as Abu Mazen, the man whose doctorate focused on Holocaust denial is labeled “a peace partner” and “a moderate” by Israeli leaders. Abu Mazen is the very same man who arranged the funding for the Munich massacre, the murders of the Israeli Olympic team in 1972, as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL in 2008.

Nakba Day was accompanied by attacks against soldiers, most involving rocks, bottles and in some cases, firebombs. At the Kalandia Checkpoint along Jerusalem’s northern border, soldiers were attacked with firebombs as well as a number of makeshift explosive devices. Baruch Hashem, only a small number of light injuries were reported in the day’s violence.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. A major event, one that resembled a 4th of July family attraction in the USA

    The exact opposite. It resembled a 4th of July rally by Tories — in 1813.

  2. This has always been their position. From their perspective, they want a return to the status quo ante that existed the last time all of Eretz Yisrael was under Muslim rule, meaning, for example, Tel Aviv was a suburb of Yaffo, and every city (other than Jerusalem) was overwhlemingly Muslim.

    Those who think “settlements” refer only to those founded after 1967 have always ignored what the Arabs have always said – that “settlements” means post-1914, or perhaps post-1880.

    Whether we might want to offer them Tel Aviv in return for peace is a different matter, since by all accounts it hardly qualifes as a “Jewish” settlement anymore.

  3. The ARABS speak the truth and have never had any smokescreen at all. To them, ‘ALL OF ISRAEL IS PALESTINE’, no wonder there has never been a peace partner just a piece slicer.

  4. If only we listened to the true Manhig Hador of the time to Rav Yosef Chaim Zonenfeld we would not be dealing with this whole mess…
    If only we did not let Zionists represent the interests of the Jewish people we would not be caght up in this very dangerous reality that is turning up against us more in more from all directions.
    Rav Yosef Chaim Zonenfeld new very well that Yishmoel is a “Pere Odom”, but he knew that we did not have to conflict with them. If we would focus on what we have to focus on, the Arabs would not see us as a threat, and we would be able serve Hashem properly under any political sovereignty wheather it’s the British or the Turks or whichever else would be inconsequencial.
    The focus on political sovereigty before Moshiach comes is an awful distractor it is and aveira of “Dchikas Hakeitz”, and is dangerous for us phisically and even more so spiritually.

  5. Is there a problem with that? I mean gevalt, so many supporters of the medinah consider the West Bank and Gaza (and more!) part of Israel. When a person addressed a letter to a settlement on the West Bank he puts the word “Israel” on the envelope, not “Occupied West Bank.”

  6. Yes, there’s a problem with that. The land belongs to us. Do you deny that? But the squatters pretend that they only want the territories that Jordan illegally occupied between 1949 and 1967, and that if Israel would only give them those areas there would be peace. It’s like a squatter claiming that if you just give him your living room and bathroom you can remain peacefully in the rest of the house. But this proves what we all know, that it’s a lie. They are fighting for the whole house, not just a few rooms, so there is no way to make peace with them, even by giving away parts of our home (which we have no right to do).

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