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Inspectors May Soon Come To Your Lakewood Apartment

ii.jpgLakewood officials are preparing themselves for a vote set on its 10,000 rental unit inspections.

According to the Asbury Park Press, the ordinance is designed to curb lease flip-flopping and improve living conditions. The inspections department, when investigating several hundred overcrowded units this past year, found that an overwhelming majority had no certificates of occupancy. That along with chronically poor upkeep has put rentals at the root of “almost every problem in town,” from crime to property value depreciation to hurting Lakewood’s overall reputation.

Some of the heaviest objections came from Orthodox Jewish leaders, who lobbied the Township Committee to table the decision until more public input is presented. Many of the town’s landlords are Orthodox.

The cost of the overhaul (hiring more inspectors) would come from the landlords, who would be charged $50 per unit each year for the inspections.

The new regulation also carries a penalty for violators of up to a $2,000 fine and, on the second offense, 30 days in jail.

(Complete story at

24 Responses

  1. According to the APP article it will not happen, as Singer has reversed himself and will vote with Lichtenstein and Miller to defeat it. This said I think inspections is a good thing as it would eliminate a lot of the problems of absentee landlords.

  2. This is a crock! I rent and I don’t have HUD. What business is it of the township what goes on in my home?! This is the creeping evil hand of socialism, gelt and power are at the bottom of it and my landlord and I are the ones that are going to suffer. The government in this town reeks!

  3. how can someone vote to defeat this ow they dont care about the guy that has overrun garbage infected houses in there neigberhoods lets see them stand up for the underdog just this once and start cleaning up the neighberhoods and as far as the penalty goes i think its to easy on the landlords let one of them go to jail for 30 days and you will see how fast the rest of them get cleaned up .

    and to “mrjones” your landlord might be nice to you but what about the next guy that has a problum with the heat and his landlord says if you dont like it leave i will find a new renter over night, maybe this is a good idea to give a strong voice to the little guy that wants to safe in his apartment and if your landlord is so good why are you scared of an inspection (you get one on your car every other year)

  4. Inspections is a good idea. Putting too many people in a unit is hazardous and only helps the greedy landlord and ruins the neighborhood.

  5. Mrjones,
    It IS the neighborhoods business. When people overcrowd neighborhoods illegally, it overtaxes services that are not meant to serivce the extra people. Yeah, one or two overcrowded houses don’t make a difference, but multiply that and it turns into a disaster.

  6. Unfortunatly when the inspection department has this type of power it goes to their head and they turn into a bulldog mentality. If the only issue is overcrowding then let them ONLY inspect for that but they want to inspect for everything every year as a landlord that is not right. They received a CO when they moved in and now that something broke or needs repair it should be the tenants responsiblity.

  7. There are HUGE issues that need to be fixed in the whole renting scene. But, we can’t let the township take matters into their hands, that’ll be a disaster.

    I think that if there are complaints by neighbors regarding overcrowding, etc., then there should be an inspection done. Or if there is drug use, etc. going on – that’s when you need to know who is living in these rentals.

    We need to fix the problems, but it has to be done wisely.

  8. I hope the vote passes. We need it desperately to help get rid of some of the overcrowding illegal immagrants. Obviously it will affect some of the other people but it is well worth it!

  9. If I have more than 2 people per room than I will have to move into a home that I can’t afford. If there is such a problem with illegals DEPORT them. They are breaking federal law! I live in a simple house within my budget, I work over 60 hrs a week, I don’t have HUD or food stamps and these inspectors will force me to move to a neighborhood in a ‘bad’ part of town because I have a lot of children that I support through the sweat of MY OWN brow. This is Stalinism pure and simple. So #3, smart2, I’m not afraid of anything but governmental interference into my life. This is not the governments job. Call Immigration if you don’t like the illegals.

  10. I am the Chair for the committee which recommended the Annual Inspection. We would do well to consider the entire community of Lakewood. And remember that the inspections department does have limits on what they can check for and write up violations for. They even give out a list of what they will inspect for!
    The fears that some have are invalid – as far as the VAAD putting their two cents in, at the last hour, is laughable. And trying to strike fear is also laughable. Folks, please understand something very important here, the VAAD and every single member of the public WAS INVITED TO ATTEND EVERY SINGLE MEETING THIS COMMITTEE HELD FOR NEARLY A YEAR’S TIME. We sat there for three or more hours each meeting, trying to get this ordinance fair and legal. It was then REVIEWED by the township Attorney, Mr. Secare, as well as, the entire body of the township committee. If nobody wanted to attend and offer any suggestions or comments, or other ways of handling the HUGE problem here in Lakewood, WHY SUDDENLY DOES THE VAAD THINK THEY HAVE A VOICE IN THIS MATTER WHEN ITS BEEN COMPLETED?! These were not SECRET meetings – they were posted and made very public folks.
    So obviously, I feel the VAAD and all who are suddenly against these Annual Inspection, have much to hide. Why doesn’t the VAAD want the Annual Inspections? Is there an underground incomed being made, that is not reported? Are there illegals being housed illegally? Are their students being housed illegally? Whats going on here? This just brings more questions about the actions and scare tactics of the VAAD than answers…
    Lakewood is slowly turning into a ghetto – Its certainly not the beautiful resort community it once used to be. Annual Inspections work for Freehold and Seaside Heights, and those areas have seen remarkable differences! Its time that Lakewood take a step that would benefit the entire community.
    Its a shame that the lower income, HUD residents suffer, as stated in the latest article of the APP. You may have a good landlord, if so, count your blessings. If so, you have nothing to fear, do you? But if you don’t, than you deserve to have what others have, don’t you?
    Four people just died in a fire in Union – one man was still clinging to a fire extinquiser (sp?). Did that dwelling have a valid Certificate of Occupancy? Were they being housed illegally? Did they have the proper carbon/fire alarms? Or should Lakewood sit back and wait for such to happen in our neighborhood? Who will die? Should some be forced to live unsafely to benefit the landlords? I think not…
    Trust me, the township inspection department doesn’t have all the power some claim it does. They have regulations they must follow as well. Or should we simply eliminate the entire Inspections department and just allow everyone to do whatever they want to do? No safeguards, no regulations, no certificates of occupancy. Exactly who would benefit then? I think we all know.
    Lets take an intelligent view on this; get all the facts and then make a decision. Lets not let others who have much to lose, influence our decision making process. And lets check to make sure that the petition which was signed by, apparently over 650 people, were all LEGAL US citizens before they are even counted.
    And exactly how is it that the VAAD KNEW well in advance that Senator Singer would be changing his vote from yes to no??? This certainly makes one think, doesn’t it? Yes, lobbying is certainly allowed; but how did the VAAD know, for certain, that Mr. Singer would indeed vote no?
    And if Mr. Lichenstein and Miller are landlords, themselves, they should not vote in the first place. They should recuse themselves and leave the room to prevent any undue influence. And if they did the honorable thing, this ordinance would certainly pass, wouldn’t it? But alas, honorable is not a word used in the township of Lakewood, is it?
    I remain,

  11. I have a hard time believing that succh inspections are constitutional. The occupants can probably deny the inspectors entry under the Fourth Amendment.

    Fourth Amendment – Protection from unreasonable search and seizure.

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

  12. Again, Humble Angel what is being proposed and the points you make about smoke and CO detectors. They must be operable when the tenant moves in to obtain a CO. Once the tenant moves in and they dont operate they are the tenants problem. The landlord doen’t live at the property anf if they are broken the tnants should notify the landlord if that doesn’t help then gov’t inspectors should be called in. What you are trying to do with these annual inspections are forcing landlords to fix damges that tenants to the property once they move in. To be balancedd the initial CO should be the lanlords responsibilty and once the tenant moves in any damage should be the tenants. I do not know what your house looks like but I_ am sure your house doesn’t ” by itself” create safety issues. tenants create them and let them be responsible for them. Keep government out of this.

    You also seem to have a issue with VAAD I dont knowwhy you fell you have to bring them into this they didn’t say anything is it because you “chaired that great and mighty committee that you feel you can put the “VAAD” and the rest of the “orthodox community” in their place?

    PS I want to know what right do they have to come into someones private property? Whatever happened to a persons right of privacy? I wish some attorney could shed light on the subject.

  13. Humble Angel,

    Don’t be fooled. We in the Orthodox community are with you.

    We don’t want this town turning into a slum, nor should houses be rented out that are not fully safe.

    The ones claiming to speak in our name are all heavily invested in real estate. You know that.

    Why don’t you all stand up strong to the Vaad, and pass this ordinance.

    Obviously, the few details that are problematic can be changed, but to completely cancel the whole bill is wrong.

    Please stand strong!

  14. The township, any township for that matter, has the right to inspection. They have a right to make sure the “rental” dwelling is safe, and is in accordance to all valid codes. You should please consider that these codes are required, and set, by the STATE OF NEW JERSEY, not the township of Lakewood. By trying to organize an Annual Inspection, we will be helping to avoid unsafe, and unmaintained properties.
    Camden Mayor, you certainly should know better than to try and claim the township has no right to inspect a premises which is being solely used for rentals. You should also know, full well, that for all HUD and SECTION 8 homes, they are also inspected, already, ANNUALLY. Do you somehow claim that that is also unconstitutional?! So why the problem with other homes used as rentals? Are you okay with only targeting the lower income folks?
    I am not, in any way, attacking the VAAD, its the other way around; and you KNOW that. So please don’t try to hand me that nonsense. They VAAD suddenly came out, in force, with too much to say. Why didn’t they express their concerns during the process? You don’t seem to have an answer for that. And did I attack the entire Orthodox community? Again, you are clearly in grave error. But I realize that when some don’t want to loose, they create lies to make their opponents simply look bad. You have no real answer or solutions, so you must attack me. Where were YOU during the process? Are you even involved in township affairs during the entire year? Do you even bother to attend the township meetings? You certainly never bothered to attend the Committee meetings. So please, don’t start crying about it now; its far past the stage of being able to compromise and change whats already been decided on, by not only this committee, but also the township attorney, Mayor Raymond Coles, Committeeman Cunliff, Mr. Miller, Senator Singer, and Meir Lichenstein, and Mr. Ed Mack. Do you really think this committee ALONE has that much power to make these creations? You would be dead wrong if that is your thinking.
    The VAAD and its attempt to somehow strike FEAR into folks in Lakewood is, again, laughable. What is there to fear if you are abiding by the current laws? Makes one think one has something to hide…
    If there is damage done by any tenant AFTER the initial Certificate of Occupancy is received in good standing; YES, the tenant is responsible, who stated otherwise? Where in this Annual Inspection Ordinance does it state the Landlord would be held accountable for damages a tenant does? Thats why we have a civil court. The landlord had best make a better selection when renting out to just anybody – they would also do well to make sure that their tenants are who they say they are, in case they destroy their rentals – an illegal using a fake identification, certainly can’t be found in the event he trashes your rental, can he? Make some intelligent decisions – do credit checks, backgrounds checks, job checks – why not? don’t you want to protect your investment? Or do you receive cash payments that are not reported? We all know there is much more going on here that meets the eye. We’re not naive and certainly not fooled.
    My home is fine; I’ve been a renter for over a decade now. I take good care of this rental, as if it were my own home, because it IS my home. My landlord doesn’t have to worry about anything. In fact, I have INVESTED my own hard earned money in fixing up many things here. Like placing brand new tile in the entire kitchen – and the bathroom; as well as, beautiful tile work in the living room as well. I’ve redone ALL the floors, and fixed the basement up as well. I do all the landscaping and he doesn’t even have to rake up the leaves or shovel the snow! When my alarms need batteries, they get batteries. I even purchased and placed all carbon alarms – when the new law passed, so he didn’t have to worry about it. So you see, there are some good TENANTS out there as well – only you have to be willing to find them. Rent to someone you are going to be able to count on to keep your property clean, safe and NOT over crowded. The rents in Lakewood are ridiculously high – And that will hurt this town as well. Middle class folks can’t afford to fork out 1,400 for a place that has maintainance problems – and looks like hell. I repaint my place every year – including the ceilings! And I don’t pay an arm and a leg. If you work together and lower the rent, find someone who will give a crap about the home because it will be their new home; then you won’t have the problems we have now.
    But that is not going to change the fact that we are in dire need of Annual Inspections.
    Its not an invasion of anybodies rights; thats comical, but nice try. Its also not unconstitutional, didn’t you folks already try to pull that number the first time around when you dragged the township into court?
    Its unconstitutional to try and make everything you don’t agree with a constitutional matter!! Thats the crime here!!
    I remain,

  15. humble angel

    Can you fill us in on what happened at the town meeting on this issue last night.

    Also, since the Lakewood Town website hasn’t posted the meeting minutes since November can you also post the proposed ordinance.

    Unfortunitly, some of us commute quite a ways to our jobs or have long hours and can’t be quite as involved in town affairs as you but we greatly appreciate your efforts.

    Thank you

  16. HUD can make an inspection because they are the renter. They are paying the rent after all. My investment in the real estate market is the monthly check I send to my landlord every month. I wil never be able to by my own house in Lakewood, let alone “invest” I am 100% against this insane invasion of my privacy by an overzealous gov’t.

  17. Humble angel – On your committe was there any landlords represented? (at least someone who has 5+ rental units in Lakewood) someone who understands the business? Again in your response you expose yourself for attacking the VAAD again. What doi they have to do with you? If the tenant would be directly responsible for damage and repasirs after they move in then OK but you are showing your ignorance on the entire rental ‘business’ by saying go to civil court. Landlords have enough on their plate than to be busy in court unncesarrily. Why are you against havinf the ordinance state the tenants shall be directly responsinble for any damage after they move in? It makes sense. They damaged it let them be responsible for it.

  18. mrjones,
    You are living in a town that has rules. Why do you think you are exempt from them ? Just because everyone rents illegal apartments it does not make it legal. I was at a fire once for a smallish house and the red cross was brought in because 15 people were then homeless. I think it is a GREAT IDEA !!

  19. Again, no real answers…
    Again, attack the opponent when all else fails. I am showing my “ignorance”?? I think not. I have investigated much, while you, apparently, have investigated nothing. Are you really the mayor of camden? If so, I pity your residents because they are in grave danger.
    And YES, we have several landlords who are members of the committee – in fact, I may be the only renter!!And YES, we also have orthodox members as well!! Very balanced group, but nice try again with the whole racial spin your trying to put on it. And just so you know camden, I too am half Jewish. Now what will you claim??!!
    I bring up the VAAD because the VAAD has BROUGHT ME UP – can you not read? I’ve stated this fact more than once. Please pay attention, actually read it this time. It would save a great deal of time and repetition.
    I will also share this with you:

    This statement is from an A T T O R N E Y :

    “The landlords are NOT attorneys! A building and safety inspector has C O M P L E T E authority to enter A N Y building that may be suspected of being a D A N G E R to the health and/or welfare of the tenants AND/OR the neighbors. IF THEY WANT TO BE NICE the inspector will post a notice or ask permission to enter BUT IT IS NOT REQUIRED especially in the case of a FIRE HAZARD. In fact, they can O R D E R the tenants to vacate. Building and safety inspectors have much more leeway in this than the P O L I C E do, because it is for P U B L I C S A F E T Y and has nothing to do with investigating a suspected crime.”

    Face it folks, IF you decide to get into the whole rental game, you have to play by the rules. And if you don’t like it, don’t be a landlord. And the less slumlords we have the better – not saying you are personally, but we certainly don’t have any room for them. And renting to illegals is a federal crime. Just because the current government refuses to obey the laws we already have on the books, certainly doesn’t mean the next administration won’t…
    Oh vays mir;
    There was no township meeting last night. It will be held tonight at 7:30 in the municipal building. After the meeting, I would be glad to post the results. We are certainly hoping the committee doesn’t bail to pressure from the VAAD. And YES, they are putting on pressure – when they should have simply attended the meetings and voiced their concerns then.
    The proposed ordinance is focused on requiring Annual Inspections for over 10,000 rental units in the township of Lakewood. The fines have increased, as well as, the fees for same. The township committee and the township attorney actually changed OUR original request for penalties for R E P E A T offenders; WE requested possible community service; THE TOWNSHIP AND THE TOWNSHIP ATTORNEY REQUESTED INCARCERATION!! NOT US. In case someone wants to claim we did,they would be dead wrong.
    When the township lost that lawsuit brought on by several landlords, it really ticked them off in many ways – so now, they want to make sure that NEVER happens again!
    PUBLIC SAFETY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR NATIONAL CONSTITUTION. But some will pull any rabbit out of their collective hats to get around the laws which PROTECT THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY. Remember, these landlords usually get paid in CASH, and usually DO NO HAVE TO RESIDE NEXT DOOR TO THOSE THEY PLACE IN THEIR RUN DOWN RENTALS. Its the rest of the community that suffers.
    Don’t just take my word for it, I’ve been hearing from hundreds in the entire community. INCLUDING ORTHODOX MEMBERS WHO ARE ALSO FED UP!
    Its time to turn back this community into the hands of the entire community and not just certain groups who want all the power…
    I remain,

  20. I rent a normal single family house, not an illegal apt. I am NOT a landlord or investor. just a simple guy who pays his own rent, buys his own food, pays taxes and tuition. I’m not a special interest group. I’m just a regular guy working 60+ hours a week to support my family.

  21. humble angel even according to your words an apartment must be S U S P E C T E D of being a danger, the police or any other authority can not enter a private premise without permission here in America

  22. I wanted to post an update for those who are not already aware of the meeting’s outcome this evening; the vote lost – 3 to 2 against the Annual Inspection being passed.
    But its not dead in the water yet folks. Which is a blessing. And furthermore, a larger blessing, is the outcome outside of the municipal meeting hall. There were so many Orthodox men there, and at first, things were pretty heated. But then we all began to have dialogue. And I was so pleased with the result.
    We will have our meetings posted in the Lakewood Shopper so that anyone in the community, who is interested, can attend our meetings. There were some excellent suggestions and comments tonight, I was very pleased. I am looking forward to our next meeting, which will be the third week of January 2008, the second floor of the municipal building. I am anxious to get together with all those who showed a genuine interest in being a part of making the new ordinance; one which will pass because the entire community shall be in agreement.
    Here are just some ideas that were run past me:
    Instead of Annual Inspections: some suggested we inspect by zones – every three years. They also liked the idea of requiring Business permits, being that Landlords are really operating a business by renting to the public realm; and of course, had no problem with some of the fees being increased to offset expenses of the Inspection Department.
    But these are all preliminary and I know we will be able to come up with even more as time goes on. I am very excited and very grateful to all those who spoke with me, personally, after the meeting. As I told each of them, their voice is important, and I feel we should work as a community together; not a community divided. They all agreed.
    My main point; we have always asked the public to be a part of the process; but if the public does not wish to be; they don’t have any reason to object once the process has been completed. I was told tonight that some had no idea about the meetings. That they did not read the Ocean Observer nor the Asbury Park Press, and did’n’t watch tv. So we will be advertising it in the Lakewood Shopper. Hopefully, this will generate a strong interest in our efforts.
    I was very grateful for all the support and good wishes that were given.
    I hope to see all those who have such strong objections to this, to show up as well. You are more than welcome to participate in the process. At least this way, your collective voices can be heard loud and clear.
    I was told the VAAD’s rep, who offered the petition that was signed; not sure if it was notarized or if all the signatures were validated as being legal citizens who were registered voters; but the township accepted it as a “courtesty” – it had no other influence of the vote of the committee members. Unless each and every one of the 650 persons who actually signed the petition showed up to voice their personal opinion, their signatures are meaningless.
    I remain,

  23. why not write the truth that happened? that your pal cunliff (yes, him…….) acted like a total jerk and refused to cooperate with the vaad and the rest of the township comittee.
    this is why he was defeated.

    let him get lost and things will work out fine.

    it’s people like him who run to the ny times with their stupid stories about how there is all kinds of racial issues in lakewood, when in fact there is basicly nothing.

    he is adding fuel to the fire.

    let him get a life and deal with the sickening gang wars in town, the sickening swastikas found all over the place in the past few weeks.

    where was he then???? huh? drinking irish whiskey?

    and it’s high time that you folks crawl out of your caves and realize that no one reads the asbury park press.

    we don’t read hitlers mein kampf, nor the app.
    they are both anti-semitic filth.

    and for the record, no one reads the lakewood shopper either. it is tossed directy into the trash – along with all the other weekly garbage which stuffs our mailboxes.

    we read one news source only: yeshivaworld

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