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IAF Chief Says He is Ready for Anything

Israel’s new air force commander, Major-General Amir Eshel told the media that his force is “ready for anything”, signaling confidence in the shadow of a possible planned assault against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Eshel officially assumed his new command on Thursday, replacing Major-General Ido Nehushtan, who is retiring from IDF service after 37 years.

Eshel thanked his predecessor for leaving a powerful air force, a quality force, one that is ready for any challenge it may have to face.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. It really hurts me to see that Hashem does not come into the equation of the IAF or the IDF. They seem to feel that they can do anything with their own power. It scares me when they use Kochi V’otzem Yodi when the land of Eretz Yisroel can be in grave danger…

  2. #1: Don’t generalize. There are many in the IDF and the IAF who understand Who runs the show, and that they need to do their hishtadlus bederech hatevah (ain somchin al haness) nevertheless.

    The Kirya (Israel’s version of the Pentagon) has three shuls. I was privileged to daven Minchah there a number of years ago. The minyan consisted of all levels of officers and civilians – there was even one general who was an avel (but not particularly frum) – and all levels of observance. Yet everyone davened b’lev echad.

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