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Chabad Shaliach Detained by Authorities at Ben-Gurion International Airport

A Chabad shaliach who is a resident of the Shomron community of Maale Levona was detained at Ben-Gurion International Airport upon returning from a half year shlichus with his wife and children. After negotiations between the police and a Honenu attorney the shaliach was released.

H and his family spent the past six months operating the Chabad House – teaching and also operating a kosher restaurant for the benefit of Jews traveling in the area – in the city of Dharamsala, India, a spiritual and mystical center which attracts a large number of travelers from all over the world, among them many Jews.

This morning the family landed at the Ben-Gurion airport where an unpleasant surprise awaited them. Airport police informed ‘H’ that the National Unit of Serious and International Crime Investigations had declared him wanted for investigation and therefore he was detained. After a short verification ‘H’ learned that the investigation concerned the publication of articles in “HaKol HaYehudi” more than a year ago which supposedly called for violence.

The publication “HaKol HaYehudi” has been under widespread investigation for approximately one year, including raids on the offices, confiscation of equipment and arrests of staff members. For example, last week two Yitzhar residents arrived at the offices of the National Unit of Serious and International Crime Investigations for an interrogation to which they had been summoned. The interrogation concerned the publication of articles in “HaKol HaYehudi” supposedly inciting to violence. The interrogatees were unconditionally released after a short interrogation.

In negotiations with Honenu attorney Adi Kedar the National Unit of Serious and International Crime Investigations agreed that ‘H’. would report of his own volition to an interrogation this coming Sunday and that he and his family were currently free to return home.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Do they retain the journalists of HAERETZ who are advocating violence, verbal abuse and humiliation of Settlers and Religious Jews?

  2. Very starnge story
    I can’t find this man by name or location
    In any of the 4000+ chabad centers around the world

    Look for yourself
    Not every terrorist with stupid writings on his head can use the name chabad

  3. #3, no, he’s not on Nor are most of the chabad houses in India. He’s a “mushroom”, like most of those who bring yiddishkeit to India. Torah, including pnimiyus hatorah, belongs to klal yisroel, not to one political group.

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