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Over 200,000 Visit Kever Rashbi on Lag B’Omer

It appears the number of people visiting Meron on Lag B’Omer increases annually. This year, estimates are upwards of 200,000 people.

Over 1,500 police were assigned to the operation, including border police, Yassam commando forces and other specialized forces. Magen David Adom was out in force, even placing a helicopter on standby, deploying hundreds of paid and volunteer personnel of varying levels of medical expertise in the area.

Ichud Hatzalah was also on the scene, deploying hundreds of volunteers that operated 12 stations throughout the Lag B’Omer event under the command of R’ Nachman Klein, Galil commander of the organization. Ichud reports treating 350 patients, most with only light injuries Baruch Hashem.

This year, in addition to the bonfire marking the official start of Lag B’Omer by the Boyaner Rebbe Shlita, Rishon L’Tzion HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Moshe Amar Shlita lit a fire as well, a number of hours later.

Many people who traveled to Meron for Lag B’Omer will be spending Shabbos in the north and police and other agencies are maintaining the necessary manpower to address this reality.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Very nice… very nice…
    Why don’t you put on some REAL important stuff. The stuff that was on the New York Times front page yesterday. Stop trying to avoid these very important issues. May we be Zoche to truly burn out what really needs to be burnt out. “Uviarto Hora M’kirbecho”

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