Reply To: How did Rabbi Akiva die?

Home Forums Tzadikim Stories & Yartzheits How did Rabbi Akiva die? Reply To: How did Rabbi Akiva die?


Im so confused
Does anybody still take Jospeh seriously?

He is well aware of many times throughout davening were we ask Hashem to spare us from Yissurin,
We ask Everyday “v’lo misah meshunah” Joseph knows this.
I cant think of a single place in all of iour tefillos that we ask for a misah meshunah R”l or die al kidush Hashem
(other of course than the joke with the Brisker who is about to bbe killed AL kidush Hasehm so he makes a sincere Beracha in preparation. The would be killer is so moved that he decides to let him go. The Brisker then motions for the killer to finish the task “nu nu Beracha levatala) I guess According to Joseph’s pretend shitah this isnt really a joke)

We view R’ AKiva’s Death as such a misah meshuna that many dont even name people with the same name but rather change the last letter from an aleph to hei (chasam Sofer YD)