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Group Asks White House To Ban Photo Ops That Show President Obama Eating Junk Food

A group of doctors, researchers and dietitians is asking President Obama to keep his fast-food runs private.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a nonprofit advocacy group, has asked the White House to stop staging photo opportunities that show the commander-in-chief consuming burgers, hot dogs and other junk food that the group contends cause cancer, obesity and other ailments.
“We would like the White House to stop publicizing these photos depicting the President, vice president or First Family eating unhealthy foods like hot dogs or pepperoni pizza that contain processed meat, or cheeseburgers or hamburgers that can contribute to obesity,” Ulka Agarwal, the group’s chief medical officer, told the Daily News.The group cites President Obama’s chowing down on hot dogs with British Prime Minister David Cameron at the NCAA Men’s Basketball tournament in March and his bonding over burgers with former Russian President Dimitry Medvedev two years ago as examples of executive eating that promote public ignorance about health and nutrition.

“What they eat behind closed doors is their business, but at public events, they are role models.”


9 Responses

  1. I think its wonderful! It gives us sane people on the right more points in which to point out the hypocrisy of Barry & Moochelle.

  2. FYI, the “Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine” is essentially the same group as PETA, and it’s a toss-up whether they’re almost as nutty as the “Center for Science in the Public Interest” or nuttier.

  3. Oh, and let’s not forget the “Union of Concerned Scientists” and the “Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists” (which used to actually be a respectable publication for a while).

  4. That is the most uncomplimetary picture you can possibly post about the president…but I’d be lieing if I told you I didn’t enjoy it. For this president we can bend the rules 🙂

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