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When going to a Shabbos seudah at a rabbi’s house, does a girl dress tzniusly like wearing flat shoes to look more plain, because it is at a rabbi’s house, or can she wear heels and look nicer for her age, because she is dressing with the intention to meet her beshert?
Please please please respond… I’m torn here and don’t know what to do. I often err on the side of caution and go for a more plain modest look but then feel insecure and so fake because the majority of girls are dressed up and I feel like I am dressing up, or down, to be someone else. Like a false impression and restrained. At the same time, since this is a rabbi and rebbetzin that I never met before, I want to be respectful. Plus it is their home.
Some rebbetzin’s wear nice heels and others don’t. What is best? Maybe wedges?
Thank you 🙂