Reply To: Don’t build more galuyot.

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Avi K: I am not sure if WTP meant “telecommuting” in working USA hours from EY or actually commuting back and forth from EY to US and back every other week (as I know people who do both).

I know the famous Meshech Chochmah that you quoted and I don’t think the comparison of what was happening in Berlin in those years are the same as today. Nobody is saying that anyplace in the US is replacing Yerushalayim. I don’t know if you are an oleh or not, but reality is that not everyone is going to EY at this time, just as it was in the time of Ezra and Nechemiah.

I also disagree with your comment “in Norfolk there will be constant pressure to accept Yushki. In the Rust Belt there will be constant pressure to accept secular liberalism.” Please provide proof of what you claim. The Rust Belt is different today then it was years ago.

The OU’s gathering next Sunday devotes (I believe) 1/2 their space for Nefesh B’Nefesh to discuss moving to EY and not just the US communities.