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Israeli Bakeries To Raise Bread Prices By 10.6 Percent

bread.jpgAccording to the Jerusalem Post, the three largest bakeries in Eretz Yisroel – Angel, Berman and Vadash – have decided to raise their bread prices by 10.6% as of next week.

The bakeries sent a letter to Industry Trade and Labor Minister Eli Yishai, and wrote that their previous requests that bread prices be raised was not met [as Yeshivaworld had reported HERE] – so they were entitled to exercise their legal right to raise prices unilaterally.

Previously, the three companies had gone on strike and not baked any bread.

6 Responses

  1. a mitzva to eat yes but why white bread or rolls it’s only a mitvah on shabbas and yom tov etc.. but now the poor of israel that was only able to afford bread all week will need to starve!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. flatbusher,
    how about a little empathy for people who have a hard time being able to afford bread. Sometimes they are not just complaining for the sake of complaining, they actually cannot afford literaly to put bread on the table.

    That being said, I don’t think the solution is for the government to force bakeries to sell bread at a loss. Instead, the gov’t should subsidize the cost for the poor – similar to food stamps in the US.

  3. Hey Charlie Brown,
    How about these people that can’t afford the bread take it to the people that got them into the situation in the first place by not allowing them to go to work?

  4. rescue37,
    Who doesn’t allow anyone to go to work? I have never seen a Rosh Yeshiva holld a gun to anyone’s head and force him to remain in yeshiva.

    Also, there are plenty of people who do work very hard and still have a very hard time buying even basics such as food. Look at the tuition thread posted here a few weeks ago. Ask Tomchei Shabbos if their packages are only given to those who are “not allowed to go to work” or also to those who work and are not making enough money to make ends meet and those who have lost their jobs.

  5. Charlie Brown,
    You oviously were never approached by a meshulach from Israel for money. Their situation whatever it might be is very depressing. Moreover the little amount of work that these people put in, wheather thet are “allowed” to work or not isn’t so much. A simple way of getting money: THE AMERICANS and ofcorss the Jewish best collecting in front of shuls etc.
    So they are to blaim; dont eat bread if you dont (want) work!!!
    PS-Maybe one day old bread will be cheaper

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