Reply To: about the protest in yerushalaim

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you may not talk against a Godol ever.
The דין of a מכחיש מגידיה is מורידין ולא מעלין. Be careful.

Agreed. But I will point out that is a difference between claiming to be of the standing to decide a machlokes between the Gedolim, and deciding what one should do li’maaseh. For example, it would be absolutely ludicrous for me to say that I think R’ Shteinman and R’ Chaim are right and R’ Shmuel is wrong – I do not reach the toes of these giants to be able to be יורד לסוף דעתם, forget about being able to definitively rule who is correct.

However, if I was living in Israel, I would have to decide between two very different options:
1) report to the draft office, receive a deferment, and go back to learning; or
2) go protest in the streets.

Just out of curiosity, how would you go about making that decision?

(Admittedly, this is more of a response to the sentiments that you and others expressed in the previous, now closed thread on this subject than to anything you have said here.)