Reply To: The Wicked Son, and the Kiruv System

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בעבור זה עשה ה’ לי בצאתי ממצרים – לי ולא לו

It is interesting to note that we talk in third person – “Me, not him” rather than the expected “Me, not you”. Here lies the central issue. The purpose of the response here is not for him. Of course, were it possible, we would give him warmth and support, (although not acceptance and validation, which would be totally אסור).

However, we have our families to worry about. When a Wicked Son starts spreading his falsehood to the other children by discussing his ideologies and philosophies in front of them and mocking Yiddishkeit, the only way to react is quickly and sharply.

Kiruv is a wonderful thing to do. To spread awareness and observance and to bring more people closer to Hashem is a fantastic Mitzvah. But there is a condition: Not at the expense of your own children. “The broom that sweeps the floor gets dirty”.

This is why the statement we release is in the third person; it isn’t aimed at him, even if it said to him.

I guess that’s another thing the Lubavitche Rebbe wouldn’t agree with.