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How Does An Avreich From Mir End Up With NIS 13,501,350 In The Bank?

An avreich from Mir Yerushalayim deposited the check he received from the yeshiva in his bank account ahead of Yomtov. He was alarmed when he learned that the yeshiva’s account – due to no fault of his own, was placed in minus to the tune of millions due to his check.

The avreich deposited a modest check in the amount of NIS 1,350. The bank clerk erred and entered the sum on the keyboard twice before hitting ‘enter’, hence the deposit read 13,501,350.

Yeshiva administrators report it was Erev Shabbos and banks are closed but they worked to have the bank correct the error immediately nonetheless. Simultaneously, they contacted the avreich, one who is viewed as a leading talmid chacham in the yeshiva, informing him the credit showing in his account is an error unfortunately.

The report adds The rebitzen answered the phone and her response was spontaneous, in a joyous emotional tone “The fact my husband learns in the Mir is worth far more than NIS 13 million”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. An isha tzidkaniyus. They are the unsung hero’s in their husbands shteiging. What a show of emmesdika kavod hatorah, Kavod Talmedai chachomim. This is takeh a Kiddush Hashem. We must continue to support them.

  2. at the Mir its not what you earn but what you learn that counts the most….

    however, I might have been tempted to take the money and run….

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