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I’m not familiar with this particular company but I’ve worked at very large FX companies for the better part of a decade and judging from how you described your situation I have to warn you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT invest with ANY FX company!!

Did you know that the average trader will lose 70% of his money trading forex? And that is with reputable companies – never mind the crooks. And believe me – even among the supposedly more kosher firms out there, there is often still a lot of funny business going on. I just checked out this particular company’s website and found at least 1 typo within 60 seconds as well as the way they phrase things suggest to me they are davka targeting people who are not familiar with the industry.

If you only have 20k your best bet is probably to keep it in a bank account or stuffed inside a bed mattress. If you don’t have trading experience please do not start investing your life savings – ESPECIALLY not in FX. Only the most skilled traders consistently make a profit trading FX, often using complicated trading strategies or algorithms and again that is only when they are using a trustworthy FX firm to do their trading with.

I’m really sorry to say this but 99% of get rich quick schemes are just going to lose any money you put into them. Keep that 20k for a rainy day and at night pick up some tutoring jobs or learn how to do plumbing or fix peoples computers or something. Even a night janitor for a few hours – something that will give you some extra money for spending/security and allow you time during the day to learn.

Also just daven a lot that you will have enough to cover your needs and try any parnassa segulas you can. But you need to accept that at the end of the day money does generally come quick and easy – if it did everyone would be rich. It would really break my heart to see a yungerman lose out on his savings because of something like this.