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iacisrmma, I take your point. As I said, I don’t know the young man. I just said as I saw it, and if not helpful to the OP, it may be helpful to others.

Rif, I would love to help you. But, I don’t know the American Yeshivos in EY. I do know someone who was in AJ, though. It seems they do a good job, but I don’t know anything about it in the last 11 years. (I did see Rabbi Jablinowitz in Manchester last week though, pity I didn’t know that you may be interested in his Yeshivah). If you are open to the European option (Brexit not withstanding) have you considered Ba’er HaTorah in Gateshead? It is a ‘yeshivishe’ yeshiva, but very much geared towards getting yeshiva ketana age, (I’m sorry I’m not familiar with the grades in the US) like 15-16-17 year old boys, to have a cheishek for learning. I have seen very successful b’nei Torah come out of there. They have a special program, ve’haarev na, which encourages repeated chazora to ‘be koineh’ a mesechte in a geshmakke way. All the Rebbeim are very dedicated to the boys and they do trips and have melave malkas and different programs to make yeshiva life more enjoyable. However, I can’t imagine that they allow mobile phones.

Gr8Bochur, I hear what you’re saying. No one said it was simple. It would be a huge challenge, and not knowing you, perhaps I gave wrong advice. However, I still hold by what I said, and hopefully you or someone else will get chizuk from it at some stage.
I wish you only hatzlocho in your onward, upward journey.