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Avi K

Ubiquitin, this is obviously lashon guzma. If Rav Goren paskened on something in agreement with the gedolim mentioned obviously they would not say that those pesakim are invalid. This in fact, has a long tradition.

The Maharshal wrote about the Migdal Oz:

?? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ????, ????? ??? ????? ???? (????? ???”? ?????), ??? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???’ ???? ????? ???? (??”? ????? ?”? ??’ ?).

The Raavad’s comments about Rambam are also famous.

See on this Chavat Yair 152 (generally printed after Sefer Chafetz chaim).

Parenthetically, once I wrote an article opposing the Carlebach Kabbat Shabbat and one of the rabbanim in my community wrote a blistering reply in which he called me a chutzpan. I was very pleased that he considered my writing worthy of a rebuttal.

I note that no one has answered my question about the carnival of retroactive cancellations of conversions.

Purim sameach.