Reply To: Stepping Over Someone & Growth

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“This shtus has to be removed from Yiddishkeit. This is nothing compared to the clowns who engage in lead pouring, and that is nothing compared to alternative medicine (which Rav Blumenkranz AH called A”Z and kishuf) and vitamin supplement scams. All of this garbage has to be purged from Klal Yisroel. “

Great bear you are talking such nonsense i dont know why nobody has told you that yet.

There are many more rabonim who give haskomos for lead pouring and alternative medicine, in fact many who practice it themselves on the side, than rabonim who hold that stepping over someone and other such “bubbermaisos” are against yidishkeit.

“Superstition = goyishe inyanim that crept into our world from the same neighbors who tormented us for centuries. Anyone who believes that stepping over a child retards growth needs to learn very basic human biology – or ask a frum doctor to explain that growth hormone cannot be affected by such an action. “

Tell me one goy that believes that stepping over a child causes him to stop growing.

I dont know whether i believe in it or not, but better safe than sorry why play around with something like this just because you want to prove a point?