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And there I was thinking the pomegranate thing was a misconception

caused by taking “m’lei’in mitzvos k’rimon” a little too literally… (No one person can fulfill all 613 mitzvos, either.)

Let’s look at those sources:

“B’sheyodua,” “Al pi hayodua,” L’fi hanoda,” = Everybody knows. Do they? [shrug]

“In my youth, I heard that it is found in seforim” – What’s this thread’s (current) title?

“It is written in [a sefer] that he (that sefer’s author)

saw […] in seforim” – Slightly stronger,

but it’s still third-hand with anonymous original sources.

That leaves the Malbim. Can we say lav davka there?

Can anyone confirm that there exists any species of fruit

which always produces the same number (other than 1) of seeds? The whole idea doesn’t sound biologically plausible.