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I am home from the lottery, friends.
My luck – it should make some amends.
But good food’s in my tummy
The shul made some money
And I had a good time in the end.
(continued from my previous posting)
To a few spots I wanted to go
That were far from the places we know.
The GPS, it went on
And then we were gone.
Its called a “road trip” – they said so.
And now I am back home at last
A thousand miles I have passed.
I miss them all dearly,
The message comes clearly
I think I should move there – and fast.
So I’m trying to figure it out
The thought of a move gives me doubt.
I have friends and a shul here
But fam’ly is more dear
“Oh what should I do?” is my shout.
I will ask for advice from Hashem.
Do I pack up and move close to them?
Its a difficult choice
Can He hear my voice?
I must think it over again.