Reply To: Bochurim who smoke

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Bochur 2.0

I understand but look at it from my perspective

We live in a day and age when teens are bombarded with confusion spanning from parents who may be caring but aren’t as open minded as their children to rebbaim who may not understand to the unnatural pulls of the outside world, us as millennials have fought and gnawed our way through these confusing years and yes you probably wont agree but we are not understood by the older generation (I think any honest mechanech will agree) and we literally cant catch a break. I am not some kid who hates authority im really not, but sometimes I do wish people will open their minds and think maybe we aren’t just immature rebels, maybe we do want to do good, and maybe just maybe it is hard and we are not just making excuses, yes we smoked cigarettes, yes we left yeshiva, does that make us outcasts?